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Back Row, L to R, Joseph Finnie, Winifred Geals, Jamie Greig, Mamie Hosie, Fred McIntosh, Kathleen Stuart, John Legge, Helen Philip, Brian Keith

3rd Row, L to R, Helen Morrison, Brian Walker, Georgina Finnie, John Kindness, Rosemary Chisholm, Arthur Groves, Sheena McWilliam

2nd Row, L to R, George Philip, Mary Berry, Gordon Simpson, Alison Bremner, Michael McKay, Julia Chapman, Ian Duncan

Front Row, L to R, Alastair Yeats, Billy Maitland, David Duguid, Alastair Milne (Teacher), Jemima Martin, Peter Cowie, John Simpson, Alastair Neish, Victor Smith.
These notes of mine certainly suffer from error and omission. Who better to correct and add than those who shared my experiences - my classmates in this photo from the spring of 1957.

At least I now have (I think) all the names for this class photo - thanks to Helen Taylor who filled in many of them.
Part 4: The Best Years of Our Lives (Page 2 of 3)